Certified Translations for International Recruiting
Our certified translations meet the different requirements of public institutions regarding the recognition of documents.
Via our digital platform, we calculate the price of your order according to the number of pages to be translated. Please contact us for your individual quote.
Our solution
Customer Area
In your customer area you can have important documents from
international professionals translated and certified for their
recognition process - with just a few clicks. Here you can also have large volumes of documents translated and certifed by native-speaking and sworn translators in any language and dialect!
No questions remain unanswered with us!
In your dashboard, you have the opportunity to stay in touch with the respective translators for your projects or ask questions directly to our customer support. Likewise, our translators or customer support will reach out to you for any inquiries.
Whether it's new orders, completed orders, messages, or invoices. Everything important for your translation project is collected in your dashboard - so you never lose track!
Overview of all to-dos!
In your dashboard, you have an overview of all your translations. Additionally, it is clearly indicated as soon as you have tasks to complete: upload documents, confirm and accept or reject translations, or respond to messages from translators. You are in control!
Step by step to the finished translation!
You can track and monitor the status of your translation projects step by step. Once the translation is completed, you will receive confirmation for acceptance.
Simply log in with your personal login credentials to access all the benefits of the dashboard and always keep track of your projects.
any language &
native-speaking & sworn translators
Express delivery
possible within 48h
Get in touch
We will be happy to help you with your questions or create an individual offer for your next project